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 Shawn Carter interview on C-Dawg

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Shawn Carter

Shawn Carter

Posts : 15
Join date : 2008-09-26

Shawn Carter interview on C-Dawg Empty
PostSubject: Shawn Carter interview on C-Dawg   Shawn Carter interview on C-Dawg Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2008 9:42 am

*Shawn is shown sitting back on a steel chair, his legs propped up on a table and his cowboy hat drooped over his eyes. Lyra slowly approaches and taps him on the shoulder*

Lyra: Shawn... Shawn wake up.

SC: *yawns* Huh, oh Lyra what's going on?

L: Well I just wanted to ask you a few questions about your upcoming hardcore match against C-Dawg.

SC: *smiles* Sure, shoot.

L: Well what's your game plan going into this match?

SC: To tell you the truth Lyra I don't really think about game plans, I just go in and do what I do best.

L: And what's that?

SC: You saw my match with da bears right? I destroyed him... what I do best Lyra is wrestle. Hell that's why I'm in this business.

L: So what are you not worried?

SC: *laughs* Worried? No, no, no I'm not worried... not one bit. I've got the most lethal weapon in wrestling today and that's my Shockwave superkick.

L: Well I was just asking since he laid you out in the ring earlier tonight.

SC: *frowns* Come on Lyra, it was a cheap shot anyone can take a cheap shot. *Shawn gets up and folds up the chair he was sitting on. He looks around for a minute before seeing a sound guy bending over a sound board. Shawn walks casually over to him and hits him on the back with the chair. The man falls immediatly and Shawn smiles* See Lyra, anyone can take a cheap shot. Now as for him laying me out, his little finishing move did make me dizzy for a few minutes but when I'm in that ring already prepared for it... Well it'll be a cold day in hell if it keeps The Comeback Kid down. *The camera slowly fades out as a smile creeps up on Shawn's face.*
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