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 Interview with SpAwN-LoRd

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The Bouncer

The Bouncer

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PostSubject: Interview with SpAwN-LoRd   Interview with SpAwN-LoRd Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 6:32 pm

Lrya Pieters sees SpAwN-LoRd

Lyra Pieters: Can I have a moment with you

SpAwN-LoRd: If I could spend a whole NIGHT with you

Zjena walks by and hears this

Zjena: Pervert

Zjena leaves

Lyra Pieters: Let me conduct an interview with you

SpAwN-LoRd: I dont see why not

Lyra Pieters: You are acting pretty calm after what happened in your match

SpAwN-LoRd: You are looking pretty hot

All you hear is awkward silence, then Zjena screaming "PERVERT"

Lyra Pieters: Im going to interview a Dark Lord if you do not cooperate

SpAwN-LoRd: FINE, any question?

Lyra Pieters: Im suprised you are not screaming, so what are your thoughts about that DQ loss, then The Bouncer, El Pedro, and Havoc Maker attacking you?

SpAwN-LoRd: If you asked me, I am pretty mad, but it makes me feel better because I am not a coward like the Dark Fruity Lords

Lyra Pieters: You said "SHUT UP" to the fans, so they arent on your side

SpAwN-LoRd: And I care because?

Lyra Pieters: Well what are your plans?

SpAwN-LoRd: To win The Barbed Wire Championship

Lyra Pieters: Well I am a little worried about you

SpAwN-LoRd: Why?

Lyra Pieters: BEHIND YOU

The Bouncer and Killagabe (the tag team) attack SpAwN-LoRd, Killagabe hits him with a chair


The Bouncer: What it looks like

Killagabe: Leave, this will get VERY ugly

Lyra Pieters leaves

The Bouncer gets behind SpAwN-LoRd, lifts him up, turns, and slams hit on the mat face first executing a MORTAL Electric Chair drop

The Bouncer: Set the chair up so I could do my other finisher

Killagabe puts the chair up

The Bouncer is feeling froggy!!!! He gets on the chair, jumps, bends his knees, and lands on SpAwN-LoRd belly first, OUCH, executing a powerful Five Star Frog Splash

The Bouncer: That is for getting yourself DQed

DJT sees this and runs over

Killagabe: What do you want


The Bouncer: OK, we did what we came to do

Killagabe and The Bouncer leave

DJT calls officials over, I dont really care about SpAwN-LoRd, I just need to protect people from that little woose Killagabe

SpAwN-LoRd is knocked out cold, officials bring SpAwN-LoRd out of the arena, and into an ambulance

Tommy LewS: OMYGOD

Jack Neolom: SpAwN-LoRd has just been brought to the hospital and has been diagnosed with a BURN

Tommy Lews: Where, 2nd degree what

Jack Neolom: No I mean, WHAT A BURN

Tommy Lews: Yes he said Shut up to the crowd, but he is in our company, we need to respect him

Jack Neolom: Well, I still respect a good burn

Tommy Lews: Lets continue
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The Bouncer

The Bouncer

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PostSubject: Re: Interview with SpAwN-LoRd   Interview with SpAwN-LoRd Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 6:32 pm

so, what do you all think, BTW my rps are more commical than serious, for the viewers
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lil g

lil g

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PostSubject: Re: Interview with SpAwN-LoRd   Interview with SpAwN-LoRd Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 11:45 pm

good but damn i got my ass kicked but i won't give up maybe some interfering in some matches later on....maybe but good rp
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The Bouncer

The Bouncer

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PostSubject: Re: Interview with SpAwN-LoRd   Interview with SpAwN-LoRd Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 11:47 pm

thank you
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Posts : 675
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PostSubject: Re: Interview with SpAwN-LoRd   Interview with SpAwN-LoRd Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 6:07 pm

NICE / GOOD wichevers better
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PostSubject: Re: Interview with SpAwN-LoRd   Interview with SpAwN-LoRd Icon_minitime

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