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 Dodgy Kiwi's Gimmick

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Posts : 11
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 44
Location : Christchurch, New Zealand

Dodgy Kiwi's Gimmick Empty
PostSubject: Dodgy Kiwi's Gimmick   Dodgy Kiwi's Gimmick Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 3:50 pm

Background: Coming from the small wrestling community in New Zealand, Dodgy Kiwi would have to travel from Christchurch to the North Island for every show he was involved in. He gradually improved his skills and was able to get higher up on the match cards even competing in the Armageddon cult shows around New Zealand. Dodgy Kiwi tried out for WWE when they visited New Zealand but they only seemed to be looking for large wrestlers.

He turned his attention back to improving his in ring skills and working on his speed before travelling to watch various indy shows in the States before trying out for them. Dodgy Kiwi's name started being brought up on different wrestling forums before the big leagues started looking in being signed for the NCW before it melted down. Dodgy Kiwi has arrived in XWC to improve his standing with the fans.

Kiwi Express: Dodgy Kiwi hooks the opponents head spins 360 degrees and drives his head into the canvas

All Black Scrum: Dodgy Kiwi whip the opponent to the ropes hurls him up into the air and spears him before he hits the mat.

Kiwiana Bomb: Dodgy Kiwi lifts the opponent onto the turnbuckle climbs behind them and lifts them in the powerbomb position and throws them off into the ring.

Kiwisault n Pepper (Standing Moonsault)
Kiwiarana (Springboard Hurracanrana)
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