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 Deamonkillers Gimmick...

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Posts : 64
Join date : 2008-10-08
Location : Burgas, Bulgaria

Deamonkillers Gimmick... Empty
PostSubject: Deamonkillers Gimmick...   Deamonkillers Gimmick... Icon_minitimeThu Oct 09, 2008 1:14 pm

Deamonkiller is a person with mixed personality.From times to times he acts icy cool and tries to make the best decisions but if someone angers him and his adrenaline goes up he gets really furious and starts kicking the asses of everyone who annoys him.However he woud never betray his allyes and will try to do everything to give hell to his enemies.Also if he wins a battle he gets really cocky about it.The most important thing for him is his fans and maybe his allyes but the fans allays comes first.Also like every wrestler he has a favorite phrase.Before a match starts he allays says to his oponent on the microphone so everyone can hear: "You...are...going...DOWN!" and if possable the publick shoud shout the words with him.Also after a victory he will allays climb on the turnbuckle with his hands up looking at the crowd and just before he goes away from the ring he will say to his beaten oponent: "You...got...owned...AssHole/Sucker(whichever is allowed.If both are allowed then AssHole).

I guess that's pretty much it...Tell me if I need to edid or add something else...
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