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 Introducing Messanger

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Posts : 43
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 42
Location : Upington

Introducing Messanger Empty
PostSubject: Introducing Messanger   Introducing Messanger Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 5:42 am

*The camera comes on backstage, showing Lyra. The crowd starts to cheer*

Lyra: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm backstage to welcome one of our newest wrestlers...Messanger

*The camera pans out a bit as Messanger steps closer and brush his hair out of his face, he is pale and his face is impassive*

Lyra: Messanger let me be the first to welcome you to XWC

*Messanger answers in a deep calm voice*

Messanger: Thank you...Lyra I believe it is?

Lyra: Yes that's my name...would you mind answering a few questions?

Messanger: I have time

Lyra: Where do you hail from?

Messanger: Death Valley...and no I'm not a creature that crawled from the crypt...I grew up there and trained with The Phenom...

Lyra: So you only learned from one person?

Messanger: No...I traveled to Parts Unkown to train with The Big Red Machine...I studied the techniques of Chris Benoit and I studied under a few other masters as well...

Lyra: It sounds like you have traveled the world?

Messanger: When you want to become the best its what you do.

Lyra: So you want to become the best, that means you're a serious contender for the Championships?

Messanger: I do not care for the gold. It's just glitter like those you find in caves. I'm here to stand up for the inocent and meek man, I'm here to please the fans and head for that STAR...

*Messanger gets a far-away look in his eyes*

Messanger: That star that says...LEGEND...

Lyra: So let me get this straight you do not want the gold? You want to become a legend? How do you aim to do that?

Messanger: Let me ask you Lyra...

*Messanger lifts his right hand*

Messanger: If I chokeslam you, do you remember that I was a champion or not? Or do you remember the chokeslam?

*Lyra looks at Messanger's hand and swallow*

Lyra: I'll definately remember the chokeslam

*A ghost of a smile touches Messanger's lips*

Messanger: That is how I'll become a legend. No need for the gold when you have a Chokeslam from Hell and The Message...

Lyra: Do you have anything to say to our fans?

*Messanger looks at the camera with his pitch black eyes*

Messanger: I want all of you to be satisfied with what I do, if you ever feel like I'm straying from the path I chose, I would like to hear from you

Lyra: Thank you for taking the time to talk to us

Messanger: No problem

*Suddenly the lights starts to flicker and once they return to normal Messanger is gone with just a trail of mist gently settling to the ground*

Tommy: What the???

Jack: Where did he go?

*Lyra looks around her and then back at the camera*

Lyra: That was Messanger Ladies and Gentlemen
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Posts : 43
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 42
Location : Upington

Introducing Messanger Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing Messanger   Introducing Messanger Icon_minitimeThu Oct 02, 2008 9:59 am

*The camera shows the backstage area, then as it moves down the corridor it starts to malfunction. Messanger comes out of a locker room, he keeps the door open for somebody, the person exits and Messanger closes the door. They both walk down the corridor and the camera follows them. Messanger walks with the shorter figure into the parking lot, where a car is waiting. Messanger opens the door and the person gets in, Messanger stands in the opening, blocking the camera view*

Messanger: Thank you for coming here...when can I expect an answer?

Female voice: Next week you will have an answer from me

Messanger: Great...thank you

*Messanger closes the door and the car drives away. Messanger turns around around and stare at the camera, the picture distorts more and then it dies, leaving a snowing picture on the titantron*
Jonny: What did we just see?

Jack: Apart from a camera that just died? I have no idea. Sounds like Messanger have another surprise in store for us next week

Jonny: I wonder who this mysterious lady was

Jack: We will just have to wait and see
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Introducing Messanger
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