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 Messanger Gimmick

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Posts : 43
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 42
Location : Upington

Messanger Gimmick Empty
PostSubject: Messanger Gimmick   Messanger Gimmick Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 3:01 am


Height 6foot 6inches (2m)

Weight 330 pounds (150 kg/23.6 stone)

Style: Balanced


Messanger is allways dressed in a long baggy T-shirt, black jeans, black boots, black half-finger gloves and enters the ring with a long black coat. He has long black hair which hang partly in his face and black eyes. Messanger is known to make flames (pyrotechnics) shoot from various objects like the Titantron, ramp, ring, ringposts, anouncement table and entrance area.


Messanger is a face that loves to entertain the crowd and stand up to anybody who is a heel


Messanger trained under The Phenom (Undertaker) and Big Red Machine (Kane). He studied Chris Benoit's style (R.I.P. Chris ) so he is a mix of heavy hitting and submisiion. He loves to have an agile partner who can wear down an oponent so that he can come in and do some real damage. He favors Last Man Standing matches as it gives him more time to deal damage
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