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 Koj Tije Dedo

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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

Posts : 313
Join date : 2008-08-19
Age : 50
Location : Michigan

Koj Tije Dedo Empty
PostSubject: Koj Tije Dedo   Koj Tije Dedo Icon_minitimeThu Aug 21, 2008 5:02 pm

Gimmick: Koj Tije Dedo, simply put, has a proverbial chip on his shoulder. He recalls the days of yesteryear when the Serbian nation was whole and strong...and independent. Now, he sees the decay that has been allowed to occur from within through corruption and what not, resulting in the rest of the world taking away what he believes to be Serbia's independence. Koj has thus taken it upon himself to show the world what a true Serbian solder - a Cetnik - is really all about. His motivation is simple: to inflict as much pain and agony to those that oppose him, until they give him the respect that he feels he rightfully deserves.

Want to be his partner? That's fine, just remember that he doesn't trust anyone. He can't. His memory of what has happened to his homeland won't ever allow him to forget. Serbia was befriended by England, and England then turned her back on Serbia. Serbia was then befriended by Russia, and Russia too eventually turned her back to Serbia. Then the US and the NATO allies welcomed Serbia, only to bomb the country practically back into the stone age.

No, the only partner Koj trusts is Zjena...and his trusty Serbian rifle. All others leave your trust at the door. A heel? Not in his eyes...but it's pretty hard to claim he's a face when he looks so old. But don't let his appearance fool you. While his frame may appear to be fragile, he's a highly skilled tactician and technician that love a good fight...and if there's blood drawn, even better.

Hometown: Vratnica, Serbia

Hobbies: FPS video games, pro-wrestling, car racing, and being with Zjena.

Favorite Foods:
A) Greek Omlette (esp w/ feta cheese mmmm, yummy, and yes, Serbs like Greek food)
B) Musaka (aka moussaka)
C) Tulumba and Baklava
D) good old fashioned Slivovits or even Zjuta Osa or Mastika


Koj Tije Dedo derives his name from his general physical appearance. He appears to have a frail frame with wrinkly skin, and beady little eyes. Heck, he looks more like a man in his 80s rather than one in his 20s! Nevertheless, nothing in life goes as expected. So to it is true for Koj.

While he was originally christened as Sretcko Dusavic, his life seemed to stand in stark contrast to it. While he was young, he seemed to find himself in trouble...and virtually never through any fault of his own...simply he was invariably at the wrong place, at the worst possible time. This occurred so often that his parents shipped him off to serve with the Serbian National Army. Sretcko gained ever increasing self-esteem and took pride in what he learned. However, he was repeatedly overlooked when it came to promotions. Doctors claimed he was not fit for promotion, yet none of them could site even one incident of his being physically inferior to his comrades. Ultimately, he volunteered to undergo experimental treatment to assist the army scientists in designing a new weapon to help immobilize their enemies through temporal shifts in time/space.

Well, needless to say, things did not go according to plan. Sretcko vaguely remembers what happened at the time. His most vivid recollection was being told by Nikola Tesla that the experiment was being shut down due to the observation of a significant side effect: rapid onset external aging. While Sretcko felt every bit his youthful 18 year old self, his body took on the appearance of a 70 year old. When he returned home, his parents could not recognize him. His own father had a heart attack, believing that Sretcko's own grandfather had risen from the grave. Sretcko's mother had a mental breakdown that she to this day has yet to recover from... She now continuously mumbles to herself, asking herself one question over and over..."Koj Tije Dedo?"

As such, Sretcko assumed the question himself...after all, looking like a grandfather, he may as well become that enigma and ask his opponents that same question - Who is YOUR grand pappy?!?

Last edited by Koj Tije Dedo on Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Corrected some spelling errors and such.)
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