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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 17, 2008 6:51 pm

Now, I don't know about everyone else, but Vladimir Kozlov is really impressing me. Granted, he honestly has done NOTHING to prove that he can go toe-to-toe with Jeff Hardy nor with HHH, but I suppose hitting your finisher on both and watching these guys unable to get up from such a blow (at least not right away) is somewhat satisfying. Personally, I'd like to see HHH take some time off a bit, and allow a major feud to develop between Hardy and Kozlov. Maybe have Kozlov take the belt, and pit Hardy in the proverbial "I must regain my title" push.

Turning my attention to the "Hurricane"...I love his bubble injections. Best comment was that 3rd guy that came down to confront the Big Show. "I'm just sayin'."

As for Kizarney...all I have to say about him is........LAME!
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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 3:59 am

ya i like kozlov a lot as for that kizarny he is weird and when will helms be back in the ring fighting
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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 10:48 am

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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 10:54 am

a new superstar that is doing promos
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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 10:57 am

wouldnt know cant watch smackdown no more
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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 8:21 pm

How come you can't watch SmackDown anymore?!?

Kizarney is some moron that is being groomed by the WWE as a carnival outcast (at least that's how it looks to me). Pretty darn lame if you ask me.

Kozlov looks to be VERY interesting. He beat Jeff Hardy fair and square. He looks like he'll get a match vs HHH at CyberSunday. I think he's now my odds on favorite. He doesn't make stupid mistakes (like Jeff Hardy does). He does not appear to be vulnerable to any mind games (yet)...so that negates HHH. Three questions remain about him, if you ask me:

1. Is Kozlov able to take down a giant?
2. Does Kozlov fear being mortal (think a run in against Undertaker)?
3. What happens when Edge returns to try (emphasis on try) and take back the title?!?
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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 8:46 pm

because i dont have MyNetworkTV
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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 9:11 pm

Ouch...that sucks.
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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 9:12 pm

i know
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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 18, 2008 9:48 pm

not for me i did not get what it used to be on
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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23, 2008 12:36 pm

Well, boys, I finally got a digital converter box. So, when the past few months I've watched MyNetwork TV (channel 20) over the air and gotten (at best) OK picture quality, I now have STELLAR picture quality. However, the past few days have been fairly quiet in my area, but we're supposed to be getting some serious rain tomorrow...so I'll report how good Smackdown was and how well my digital picture reception was.

Wish me luck!
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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23, 2008 1:52 pm

*C-Dawg wishes Koj Tije Dedo (bad) luck!*
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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2008 8:15 pm

ok that was the best smackdown i have seen in a while i like helms comment on mvp were he said "were is his tunnel or did he loss that too"
that was soo funny i cant wait to see kizarny and i like the HHH vs the deadman but when bigshow came in and took the chair was boring
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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: 10/24/2008 SmackDown   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2008 8:27 pm

Ok...so let's see...one of the OK SmackDowns.

Started out rather interesting. I liked the "Kung Fu Naki" and R-Truth vs MVP and Shelton Benjamin tag match. Personally, I'm sick of MVP and I'm already sick of R-Truth (sorry, I like rap music, but R-Truth simply SUCKS!). However, Benjamin performed well, but the star of this match was actually Kung Fu Naki. Yes, he actually looked remotely credible as an opponent...at least against MVP. I think had it been one-on-one where Kung Fu Naki (KFN) was up against Benjamin, it might not have been as impressive...but the ending where KFN used the crane kick made famous by Ralph Macio in "The Karate Kid" movies was a classic!

The women's tag match was ok. I'm sorry, but Maria is so over it's sad. Same with what's her face (daughter of Jim "The Advil" Nidehart). However, I'm beginning to really like Michelle McCool and I'm especially now found of Maryse. Maryse, IMHO, simply plays the heel VERY WELL. As for Michelle, I'm digging her mini attitude that she had as the match ended. Plus, she now seems mildly sexier than she has appeared in the past. Maybe it's because the whole posing for Playboy thing is so behind her now (you know..."been there, did that"). Personally, I hope McCool whips Maria's ass.

Then there is Primo and Carlito. Now, I don't know about all of you, but I love Carlito. He's simply hysterical on the mic. I hope the WWE is smart enough to keep him as often on camera as they can. Bring back Carlito's Cabana! Yeah, now THAT'S COOL!

As for the HHH vs Undertaker match...it was *yawn*...at least until the last 10 minutes. That's when big moves were countered one after another after another...and finally a finisher, but no pin fall... Then, predictably Big Show interferes. What was more impressive was how Big Show took out HHH, only to then leave (after finishing off 'Taker too), and then..KOSLOV comes to ringside! Big, bad, and mean. Yet, HHH tried (?) to fend off Kozlov. MISTAKE! And HHH paid for it. I love it! Mind you, I like HHH, but Kozlov is a PERFECT heel! HHH was a great heel, but with Umaga coming back, he won't be converting to a heel anytime soon. So...let's hope that WWE ignores the CyberSunday votes and pits HHH vs Hardy vs Kozlov anyway! Now, Kozlov could be tossed out of the ring, and then when Hardy thinks he has the match won...HHH hits him with a pedigree out of no where. Match ends. Kozlov still isn't pinned...and it sets everyone up for either perhaps...Survivor Series? Would be nice....and having HHH defend and lose at Survivor Series would be nice.

So...overall, thanks to McCool, KFN, Carlito, and Kozlov...I would give this episode of SmackDown a solid 6/10. Otherwise, it really wasn't all that impressive as a lead in for CyberSunday...pretty sad really.
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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2008 8:28 pm

Ahhh...forgot about Gregory Helms. His POP UPS are simply great. I agree, his "...tunnel? Or did you lose that too? I'm only sayin'" is simply funny as hell. I can't wait for him to get back into the ring. I think Helms plays a better cruiser weight face than heel, but that's just me.
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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2008 9:04 pm

i like Primo alot he is funny and the whole brie bella thing i like it some but when will they show they are twins
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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2008 9:18 pm

See...I guess we have somewhat differing tastes on Primo (I think you like him a smidgen more than I do), and we definitely differ on Brei Bella...personally I'm not a fan of the whole "we're secretly twins" gimmick. Just seems lame to me. Plus, her...err...both twins' in-ring prowess is relatively weak...definitely weaker than Maria, and (in my book) Maria's in-ring skills are pretty boring and basic.

I think Primo getting more mic time may help him though... And I love how Carlito can play off of Primo's screwups. Shows me that Carlito is seriously talented and should get far more air time than he already does. I'm glad he has gold around his waste. He kind of reminds me of...well....me when I was a teenager. Smile
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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2008 9:26 pm

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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 07, 2008 8:00 pm

11/7/08 Smackdown edition:

Ok...let's see...what were some of the more interesting points in tonight's SmackDown?

1. The backstage segment between Jimmy "Plays with his" Wang Yang, THE Brian Kendrick, and Ezekiel.
2. Jeff Hardy losing it in his tag team match (interesting, but honestly, kind of dumb).
3. MVP getting his butt kicked...AGAIN...AND then having that pop-up of Hurricane make his "So close" comment.
4. The Great Khali Kissing Cam. Hey, it's just funny...no denying it.
5. Kozlov v Undertaker - in a word or 2: H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T-!-!-! Simply one PHENOMINAL MATCH! The counter to the "Snake Eyes"! Only disappointing part (well...it's because I'm biased)...Undertaker after the match ended...nailing Kozlov in the choke slam.

Which was the best/most interesting? Um...believe it or not...#1, if you ask me. The match was decent too.

As for the R-Truth v Shelton Benjamin...good wrestling, but boring. Given the way WWE is hyping up R-Truth, this should have been Saturday Night's Main Event of yesteryear quality. Instead, it was very B-O-R-I-N-G-!

As for the women's match (i.e., Victoria v Brie Bella)...LAME AS HELL! What a waste of a match.

Overall rating: 6/10. When only 2 matches out of 6 hold my attention, that's never good.
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el pedro

el pedro

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 07, 2008 8:03 pm

koj its good when you tell what happens on smackdown. i forget to watch really busy since the dance got canclled and date count go since she was dateing my friend so i said ok but hes dumping her Very Happy
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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 07, 2008 9:19 pm

i am glad they said that there were to bellas
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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Nov 08, 2008 1:06 pm

u should be a columnist koj ur HALARIOUS!!! cyclops
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The Bouncer

The Bouncer

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Nov 08, 2008 7:47 pm

Khali, Edge, Curt, Zack, Vladmir, & Super Crazy all have the potential to hold that belt.

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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Nov 08, 2008 7:53 pm

Super Crazy??? Really??? Khali? Maybe, but doubtful. Curt? Laughable. Zack? Same. Vladimir? Actually, I'm betting he gets one MAJOR push in time for the Royal Rumble (which...btw...will take place at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan...my proverbial backyard!). And could you imagine if Kozlov wins the Rumble?!?

Anyhow...back to the point: Super Crazy? Really!?!
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The Bouncer

The Bouncer

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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitimeSat Nov 08, 2008 7:54 pm

Kozlov would be champ at SS, which could mean Summerslam or Survivor Series.

Last edited by The Bouncer on Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Cleaning my image)
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PostSubject: Re: SmackDown!   SmackDown! Icon_minitime

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