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 Sumbi Gimmick

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el pedro
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PostSubject: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeWed Oct 22, 2008 10:15 pm

Biography/Backstory: He hails from the lost island nation of Rakawai located in the Pacific Ocean. His people are fierce in combat. They are naturally gifted fighters yet are very calm and passive by nature and prefer to teach rather than fight. Every Rakawaiian learns Rataika, the Rakawaiian martial art. Sumbi is part of an elite group of Rakawaiian warriors called the Akai’ana. They train in the many facets of hand to hand combat, weapons fighting, and submissions. The Rakawaiian nation traded Akai’ana warriors to other nations as mercenaries, bodyguards, and assassins. Sumbi is the youngest Akai’ana Grandmaster ever and is currently in his fifth year of his quest to expand Rataika.

Ring Attire: Black loincloth, tribal helmet, and small sharktooth dagger.

Akai’ana Background: Each Akai’ana is handpicked from childhood and trained under the tutelage of the Akai’ana Grandmasters. However, each generation of Akai’ana learns more than the previous generations. Every five years, one Akai’ana is chosen to be an Akai’ana Grandmaster by winning a tournament between all the current Akai’ana. The new Grandmaster is sent on a spiritual quest that may last forty years traveling to different places developing new techniques, teaching fighting techniques of the Rakawai to different people in exchange for learning their fighting styles and techniques. Throughout history, many Grandmasters have failed to return. Many were killed, many died of disease, and many got lost at sea, while others chose never to return. However, if all goes well, the Grandmaster returns to share the knowledge with other Akai’ana in order to implement the new fighting techniques into Rataika. This tradition has made Rataika one of the most vicious martial arts known to man. The footprints of many Grandmasters can be seen through the careful examination of the annals of history. There are many legends that contain instances of epic heroes that sway the tide of battle. According to legend, the famous Hawaiian King, Kamehameha I, bartered for an Akai’ana warrior in his quest to unify the Hawaiian Islands. Some historical texts go so far to insinuate that the great Greek hero Achilles was trained by Akai’ana Grandmaster Jinro. Most texts say that Achilles was dipped in the river Styx. However, one test the Akai’ana use to choose who to train is to dip the baby into the ocean held by the heels. If the baby is able stay calm, adapt, and learn to float, they pass this test. Other texts say that on his journeys, Akai’ana Grandmaster Kinfai found his inspiration from animals and isolated himself from civilization to mimic their motions to develop what is now modern kung fu. Technology eventually made Rataika obsolete. With the advent of gunpowder, Rakawai no longer had the ability or the natural resources necessary to trade with other nations and were eventually forgotten as a nation and as a people. Throughout history, many Grandmasters have failed to return. Many were killed, many died of disease, and many got lost at sea, while others chose never to return.

Future Possible Storylines:

1) As the season goes on, maybe we can reveal more of his backstory as he overcomes his speech issues, maybe having a tag partner help him with his English or perhaps have my tag partner be the person that brings him into XWC. He doesn’t quite understand pinning to win yet and sometimes gets counted out despite beating his opponent up, or gets Dq’d or something like that.

2) Sumbi won the title of Grandmaster at the age of sixteen. Five years later, Sumbi has entered the XWC to learn new fighting styles while trouble has been brewing in Rakawai since he left. There is political unrest and much strife due to the lack of natural resources on the island. The new Chief is at odds with the old ways of the Akai’ana. This Chief starts a civil war on the island that will effectively destroy the Rakawaiians. Sumbi is oblivious to this. He had a childhood friend, Noelani. She grew up with Sumbi, but was not an Akai’ana warrior. She is able to escape the island right after the war begins. She sets off to find out what has become of Sumbi and to warn him not to return. Along the way, maybe she could get drugged and kidnapped by another wrestler starting a feud with someone. From there, Noelani could become a ringside person for Sumbi as a love interest or she could even do the same for the feuding wrestler. Perhaps she gets killed off and Sumbi goes into a rage interrupting matches, turning on his tag partner etc.
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el pedro

el pedro

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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23, 2008 4:18 pm

sumbi i like it the bio and the ideas Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23, 2008 5:26 pm

Nice but way too long.
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GM Frogyrvd
GM Frogyrvd

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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23, 2008 8:54 pm

nothing is ever to long
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Koj Tije Dedo

Koj Tije Dedo

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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23, 2008 9:15 pm

Actually, I LOVE the thought he put into the gimmick. Very original actually. Remember, gimmicks and background are to give people ideas on how to feud with you. Could be simply poking fun at your lack of English, or playing up to being your "buddy" only to betray you.

Personally, I'd love to recruit Sumbi as a Dark Lord...perhaps give him the title of Sumbi the Assassin?
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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23, 2008 9:16 pm

i8 like that idea Dedo

sumbi u seem like u will do good rps
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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2008 1:51 pm

I agree I just don't like reading lots of words
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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeMon Oct 27, 2008 1:27 pm

So i'm lookin for someone to either adopt me as a tag team partner or feud with me to work me into the shows. I've got a couple ideas that I think might work.

1) If someone is willing to make me their tag partner (or part of their stable) , perhaps the person who adopts me can recruit me as their protege or something. They would reap the benefit of having hired muscle/cannon fodder for a feud they might have with someone else while i reap the benefit of someone teaching me English. I have some ideas for some interviews/backstage stuff that could work. From there, I have other possibilities for different outcomes.

2) If someone wants to straight up feud with me, that's something that could work too. I was thinking something like whoever I feud with harass my inability to speak English since my wrestler only can speak his native tongue and a few words and phrases from other languages. We could go back and forth with each other building up to a special match or something.

PM me if you have ideas or would like to work with me.
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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeMon Oct 27, 2008 1:39 pm

im down
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el pedro

el pedro

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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeMon Oct 27, 2008 3:32 pm

i would will recruit you Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitimeMon Oct 27, 2008 5:24 pm

yo so no disrespect to you killagabe, but it appears you have a tag partner already.

so el pedro, if you don't mind maybe you could become my tag partner. i'll pm you some ideas.
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PostSubject: Re: Sumbi Gimmick   Sumbi Gimmick Icon_minitime

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