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 The Reject's Gimmick

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The Reject

The Reject

Posts : 9
Join date : 2008-09-26

The Reject's Gimmick Empty
PostSubject: The Reject's Gimmick   The Reject's Gimmick Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 12:26 pm

Name: The Reject

Age: 25

Height: 5'9

Weight: 202

Appearence: Comes to the ring in spike covered jacket, has a foot long mohawk, wears black eye-liner
Description: He's a loner..rejected from society and evreyone in it. At a young age he tried to fit in, but in the end....he hated everyone he came across. Built up with all this hatred...he craved to not only harm those around him..but also himself.

So he joined the wrestling buisness..where he found a somwhere he was most comfortable...Flying through the air! He calls himself the most extreme highflyer in Wrestling..and favours hardcore and ladder matches....be warned!
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