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 Lord Psyke´s gimmick

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lord psyke

lord psyke

Posts : 16
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 40
Location : germany

Lord Psyke´s gimmick Empty
PostSubject: Lord Psyke´s gimmick   Lord Psyke´s gimmick Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 3:55 am

NAME: Lord Psyke born as Christopher Freiherr von Hardenberg
Age 22
Height 6´3
Weight 245
Appearence: The young well trained german has short blond hair and wearing a black kneelong jeans with a blue cross on each side.

These young guy with blueblood ancestors was grown up in a working class district in hamburg. One of the first things he learned on the streets was that the only way to earn the respect he deserves was to beat up all the greater and stronger guys which crosses his way.At the age 14 he become part of the CFHH the biggest firm of his local football club. When he was 18 he started to work as a bouncer in several bars in the redlight district.

At the same time he started to wrestle at a local promotion and only three weeks later he earned his first gold. But to improve his abilities he had to move to biger promotions and finally after several short commitments in different promotions across europe he finally comes to the NWU Promotion where he won on his first show the vacant Heavyweight Championship. But only a few later he was seriously injured in a title match. He managed to keep his title by fighting back till time limit ended the fight. But this injury keep him out of business for a to long time so he had to give back his belt.

He leaves NWU for joining the Nuclear Wrestling Federation. He was never the biggest or strongest or even most talented guy in company but ever the most motivated. Now he was there with only one goal wearing gold again and he would do everything what was necessary to let his dream come true.
This leads to his decission for teaming up with the same guy who injured him on NWU Apheto. They elimated all other teams in a tournament and gain the NCW World TAG TEAM Titles.

During his time in the NWF his behaviour has changed a little bit. He seems bo be more relaxed and less aggressive then before. Perhaps a effect of his growing confidence in his own strengh. He doesn´t fear anyone in this federation because he know that he take on everyone. Mostly he had only three words for the guys which are stupid enough to challenge him: JUST TRY IT !
But after a few months the the company runs out of money and closing.

And now your worst nightmare comes true because he is here and he is not alone because his friends are also here to dominate this federation and to make it even more extreme.
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