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 iceman fued rp

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Havoc Maker

Posts : 190
Join date : 2008-08-15
Location : IL

iceman fued rp Empty
PostSubject: iceman fued rp   iceman fued rp Icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 9:19 pm

(5 hours before show)

Iceman jones breaks into Havoc Makers house and steals his gun him and breaks his tv then writes a note and tapes it on the tv

(4 hours before show)

Havoc comes home sees the note and reads it aloud Dear, Loser I stole something from you and well u see the other damage hope u have fun finding who did this and getting a new tv. Havoc: who did this dang him I will just go check the security tape.

(Show time)
Havoc walks down to the ring Havoc: ok I know who stole my gun now come on out here ok u don’t want to well fine I will ask one more time iceman get out here now

Iceman comes to the ramp and says I did not do a thing.
Havoc: well let’s watch the video. The security video plays and shows iceman break in steal the gun and break the tv.
Havoc: now tell me u did not do it!
Iceman: ok I did it what are u going to do, call the cops.
Havoc: NO! We will do this in the ring and not one fall either.
Iceman: What u want a last man standing, a first blood, or buried alive match.
Havoc: no those sound tempting but I want a hardcore match.
Frogyrvd: comes out and says that sound pretty good.
Havoc: see you later iceman.
Iceman: see u later too Loser.

Zeth if u like it can u try to get the match and rp on in this week or next week Wink
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