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 Subway Eat Fresh gimmick

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subway eat fresh

subway eat fresh

Posts : 6
Join date : 2008-12-02

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PostSubject: Re: Subway Eat Fresh gimmick   Subway Eat Fresh gimmick Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 9:40 pm

Gimmick: Subway Eat Fresh is a technical wrestler. He values himself as an honest and passionate individual who loves to have the fans on his side. He loves to promote the healthy lifestyle he lives by to others. In fact, the only one more famous for having such a healthy life style is Jared Fogal...yes, the same Jared who made Subway (the food chain, not the wrestler) so famous. While Jared ate Subway subs to lose weight, Subway Eat Fresh eats more than simply subs, but he admits...his favorite food is the Spicy Italian sub from Subway Restaurants.

Subway can be a bit too trusting, and he knows that there are people out there in the world that would love and will try to take advantage of his kindness. But, he's not very gullible. He is a general good judge of character and will put his body on the line if he feels the need to impress. Nevertheless, don't expect him to go out and take hold of a sledgehammer...at least not unless it's his last and only line of defense.

While Subway Eat Fresh may have arrived to the XWC thanks to his relationship with Koj Tije Dedo, that doesn't mean he thinks he gets free reign. After all, Koj Tije Dedo took Subway Eat Fresh under his wing and has taught Subway all of the techniques he knows how to. And Subway has nothing but respect for his teacher/mentor. Actually, if anything, he's respectful of his new opportunity and he will do nearly anything so as not to embarrass or disappoint his wrestling mentor.

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Hobbies: FPS video games, pro-wrestling, car racing, exercising, and teaching others to live a more healthful lifestyle.

Favorite Foods:
A) BBQ Ribs - not EVERYTHING has to be 100% healthy...sheesh
B) Power Energy shakes
C) Slow Churn Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream
D) 6" Tuna Melt


Subway Eat Fresh is the wrestling name of Dejan Jance. He's the adopted son of Jack Bauer. Most people have heard of Dejan's father since the FOX broadcast network has created a show about his father...you may have heard of it...it's called "24".

Anyhow, Dejan was always a very athletic individual. His first love was when he got to play soccer. He loved playing defense. He felt it was tougher to outguess what and where the ball would go, rather than to take on an attacking role. He believes he was proven correct too: while he played halfback for nearly 5 years, he was given the opportunity to play center and managed to score a goal and have 2 assists within the first 5 minutes during the first playoff run (his team ended up winning that game, but lost in the semi-finals).

Dejan continued to excel in sports, eventually playing quarterback for his high school varsity football team and catcher for the high school's varsity baseball team. By the time he entered college, he was already named defensive captain of the university's soccer team. But his favorite sport has always been wrestling. He majored in sports medicine, and spent his free time studying both greco-roman and freestyle wrestling. Alas...Koj Tije Dedo happened to be in the stands during the State Championships, and Koj offered to be Dejan's mentor.

Dejan accepted....but Koj was curious why it seemed everyone by this time referred to Dejan as "Subway Eat Fresh". The reasoning actually is simple. As Dejan was studying the various styles of wrestling, his friends always seemed to find him either at the local Subway Restaurant and/or Dejan was eating one of the famous Subway sandwiches. So, they christened him with the slogan "Subway Eat Fresh" and it seems to have stuck ever since.
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Posts : 675
Join date : 2008-09-15
Age : 33
Location : Cinncinnatti,Ohio

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PostSubject: Re: Subway Eat Fresh gimmick   Subway Eat Fresh gimmick Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 3:08 pm

nice very thought out nice ALOT OF FOOD AWESOME!!!!
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