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 idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg

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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitimeTue Oct 28, 2008 6:25 pm

Here’s my idea of how to buildup to the match between Sumbi and C-dawg. It’ll start with a backstage rp with Sumbi learning English on the comp. C-dawg will enter and will start harassing Sumbi about how much of an idiot he is, why is el Pedro helping you out, etc. Going back and forth until they start pushing and shoving. Enter el Pedro, who proceeds to charge at C-dawg and bites at his ankles. El pedro is upset with C-dawg for harassing his new protege and his inability to speak English. Koj Tije Dedo can come through saying to settle it in the ring. El Pedro gladly volunteers. Whenever the match happens, Sumbi will accompany el Pedro to the ring. The match can end in 3 ways: 1) Sumbi interferes and C-dawg wins. 2) El Pedro wins. 3) C-dawg wins.

1) Sumbi interferes, Cdawg takes a beating by Sumbi and el Pedro pulls sumbi off. The following show, backstage, C-dawg takes a guitar etc. and takes out Sumbi extending an open invitation to challenge to him.

2) el pedro tells Cdawg to never question his judgment and leaves the ring. Sumbi follows but turns back, runs to the ring and proceeds to exact his revenge. el Pedro runs to the ring, pulls Sumbi off. The following show, backstage, C-dawg takes a guitar etc. and takes out Sumbi extending an open invitation to challenge to him and only him

3) Cdawg wins and has an in ring monologue openly challenging any Sumbi to a match to settle it once and for all.

All roads lead to a special one-on-one match between the two.

Let me know what you guys think.

Last edited by sumbi on Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:58 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : new idea, old one didn't work)
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el pedro

el pedro

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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: Re: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitimeTue Oct 28, 2008 6:54 pm

theres just a few problems how about after demon killer shoves you i walk in and then i upper cut him then it turns into a handycap but killagabe dosent find out untill demon killer tells him and then we got it perfect rp.
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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: Re: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitimeTue Oct 28, 2008 6:58 pm

sorry el pedro i had to edit it because they already have something
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GM Frogyrvd
GM Frogyrvd

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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: Re: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitimeTue Oct 28, 2008 7:52 pm

ok, change dedo to frogyrvd as I am the head GM, it would make more sense to start having the head GM making osme matches don't you think. Not to take anything away from dedo at all. but it just makes things run more smoothly. or... check my new post for more details.
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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: Re: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitimeTue Oct 28, 2008 8:11 pm

I like it
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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: Re: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitimeWed Oct 29, 2008 4:47 am

I coudn't get el pedro's post...I didn't saw my name in sumbis post, so why do you say that I am there shoving at sumbi and stuff?
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el pedro

el pedro

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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: Re: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitimeWed Oct 29, 2008 8:25 am

you got to read at sumbis post to find out but i like frogys idea Very Happy ps i was in a rush.
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Location : Burgas, Bulgaria

idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: Re: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitimeWed Oct 29, 2008 11:24 am

pedro he edited the post so my name isn't in there anymore but it doesn't matter...I already have reserved feuds for both inferno and explosion...

PS:Btw I received 30 fans from last show...This rocks! Very Happy
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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Empty
PostSubject: Re: idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg   idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg Icon_minitime

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idea for a feud, ATTN: C-dawg
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