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 GM Frogyrvds Gimmick

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GM Frogyrvd
GM Frogyrvd

Posts : 245
Join date : 2008-08-10
Location : New Zealand

GM Frogyrvds Gimmick Empty
PostSubject: GM Frogyrvds Gimmick   GM Frogyrvds Gimmick Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2008 3:30 am

Gimmick:At the moment I am a tweener. I will not take sides at the moment, and will play the role of a plain old GM, with some twists. I will not accept people getting in my face and they shall be punnished. I will make them wish they never met me. I will also help greatly those who help me. I am a taker more then a giver, but in the right mood, I am someone you want on your side, because your life could be on the line...

Finisher: Frogyrvd grabs [nome]s head and puts it over one shoulder, and grabs [nome]s arm and puts it over his other shoulder.
Frogyrvd then drops to a sitting postion, dislocating [nome]s neck and shoulder, executing a devastating Change Is Near

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GM Frogyrvds Gimmick
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