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 The Freezing Hell Bar

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Posts : 15
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 41

The Freezing Hell Bar Empty
PostSubject: The Freezing Hell Bar   The Freezing Hell Bar Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 12:31 pm

The reporter of XWC follows a Harley from the arena throw all the city until they reach a bar next to an alley, the cloaked figure on the Harley walks with his biker boots and his dark clothes, carring a training bag in one hand and a cigarrette in the other one he enters the place; the reporter hurries to the door, as he approaches to the door he notes that above the door there is a broken neon sign that says "Freezing Hell Bar"

The Freezing Hell Bar Buildi13

The reporter rushes in and walks around the bar until he can see the cloaked figure talking to the barman as this one gives him a beer. The reporter comes closer and now that he is closer he recognizes him as Apheto, the newest addition of XWC.

Reporter: Hello, you must be Apheto, tell us what are your expectatives for this great federation?
Apheto:...-slowly he turns torwards the reporter- great...the press is here
Reporter: This is a rough sport, do you have any previews expirience on it?
Apheto: What???!!! -as he now stands up in front of the reporter intimidating him- if they are gonna send a kid to this work at least tell him to do his homework
Reporter: Im sorry, so tell us about your expirience...
Apheto: Silence, I was once Tag Team champion with Lord Psyke and Im looking for the gold here too and about my expirience as a wrestler...let me show you.

Apheto grabs the reporters neck and raises him into the air, choking him, then a loud voice is heard rom behind "STOP RIGHT THERE", Apheto releasses the Reporter, that starts crawling towarads the person who just save him; the two keep staring at each other meanwhile the reporter gets up and he can see in the back of the shirt of his savior the words "KnoW Fear", the reporter remembers something about this.

Reporter: Thank you sir..you are "Trainer" right? Apheto´s personal trainer who goes wiht him everywhere
Trainer: Thats right, but this muggot doesnt learn everything i teach him
Apheto: What???
Trainer: Silence scum, dont you see im talking here?
Reporter: Thank you again sir.
Trainer: As I said I already teach him how to deal with the press, the trash goes out quickly like this

Trainer hits the reporter stomach benting him down just to run torwards him and throw him trought the bar window.

Trainer: Dont you ever come back here, this is where I turn this wuzzies into MEN, you hearme?!!

The reporter lays in the street with some pieces of glass over him as Apheto smiles from inside the bar.

Trainer: And you maggot get to the training room, we have much to do.
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Posts : 43
Join date : 2008-09-26
Location : Barbados(The Caribbean)

The Freezing Hell Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Freezing Hell Bar   The Freezing Hell Bar Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 2:19 pm

Just as Apheto is walking to the training room
A Black Bentley pulls up.....
A white van screeches to a halt behind it...
The passengers of the van hurriedly jump out and its another camera crew.....
Actually it's the same camera crew who STEELE indicated to follow him

Steele emerges from the black Bentley......

STEELE: 'Pheto....I see your're still up to your old ways!!!!

APHETO turns around.......


STEELE: Yup....thought I'd get a drink and I was hoping that I'd see the Trainer here.....
But I see you beat me to the bar......

APHETO shakes his head indicating that he hasnt.....

STEELE: DAMN!!!!! Was hoping they would be here.......
Well we can only hope they arrive sooner or later......

No sooner than STEELE says this.....another vehicle pulls up
Both APHETO and STEELE turn their heads in the car's direction.....
A figure exits the car......

FIGURE: What? Having a reunion without me?.......
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lord psyke

lord psyke

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The Freezing Hell Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Freezing Hell Bar   The Freezing Hell Bar Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 4:55 pm

Lord Psyke smiles drops his bag and shake hands with Steele
LP: I just get your message about XWC yesterday grabs my stuff and take the next plane.

Steele: Ok good to have you here.

LP turns to Apheto and hugs him

LP: Good to see you bro.

Apheto: Same for me.

LP: So you are ready for kick some a$$es

Apheto: What dammed question we are ever ready for that but we wait for Carter and Messanger

LP: I just called Messanger he will be here soon. So lets go in have some beer.

The three guys smiles at each other and entered The Freezing Hell Bar
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Havoc Maker

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PostSubject: Re: The Freezing Hell Bar   The Freezing Hell Bar Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 5:16 pm

are u guys realy bro in real life
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Posts : 43
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 42
Location : Upington

The Freezing Hell Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Freezing Hell Bar   The Freezing Hell Bar Icon_minitimeSat Sep 27, 2008 1:47 am

*the camera image outside of The Freezing Hell Bar starts to malfunction, drawing lines and flickering*

Tommy: What the hell is going on, I think there must be something wrong with the link

Jack: I don't think so! Look at that

*Mist slowly starts to form inside the alley and all the outside lights starts to flicker*

Jack: I saw that before! The Phenom does that...

Tommy: We heard that Messanger trained with him...could he have any powers as well?

*The bar doors open by themself and the mist slowly creep into the bar and out of the shadows steps Messanger, dressed in a long, black coat, black half finger gloves, black jeans and t-shirt, he walks through the doorway and everybody inside the bar looks surprised to see him there, the doors close behind him, locking the camera out*

Jack: Did you see THAT? I got goosebumps and I'm not even there!

*Another camera inside picks up Messanger who walks stiffly to the bar and look at the bartender*

Messanger: Hello Bob, can I have my usual?

*Bob the Bartender nods and quickly put a long glass of ice water on the counter, Messanger picks up the glass and drains it*

Steele: Messanger

*Messanger place his glass down with half a smile*

Messanger: Steele, good to see you

Tommy: He isn't even facing Steele, how did he know he's there?

Steele: Hahaha the real version is better than a reflection you know

*Messanger turns around and shake hands with Steele*

Messanger: Did you have to go and spoil my moment of enigmaticy?

*Steele grins and nods*

Messanger: The others are here as well? I saw the vehicles when I came in

Steele: Yeah we're all in the back apart from Shawn Carter

Messanger: And Trainer?

Steele: He's taking a few minutes off for us to catch up

Messanger: Good, I'm looking forward to that steel chair of his

*Steele laughs and slap Messanger on the back*

Steele: You ARE mad, let's go

*Messanger and Steele head into the open door behind the bar counter*

(Not my best, I'm a bit rusty. And guys please don't ask questions in the RPs? Rather PM us)
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Shawn Carter

Shawn Carter

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Join date : 2008-09-26

The Freezing Hell Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Freezing Hell Bar   The Freezing Hell Bar Icon_minitimeSat Sep 27, 2008 10:12 am

"It is late at the Freezing Hell Bar and Steele, Apheto, Lord Psyke and Messanger are the only ones left. They hear a motorcycle outside and a slow stride coming up to the door. The door opens and Shawn Carter walks in from outside*

SC: Hey bartender, get a round for me and all my friends. *Shawn smiles and takes a seat at the bar*

Steele: Shawn what's going on?

SC: Nothing man *he takes a swig of his beer* just rolled into our new fed about yesterday.

Apheto: Well it's great to see you man.

SC: Right back at you, all of you. *He shakes LP and Messanger's hands* Well it looks like The Comeback Kid has completed our little reunion and you guys know what that means right?

*They nod*

SC: *smiles* Well then all that's left is for us to take this fed by storm.
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PostSubject: Re: The Freezing Hell Bar   The Freezing Hell Bar Icon_minitime

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