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 Who is Apheto?

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Posts : 15
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 41

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PostSubject: Who is Apheto?   Who is Apheto? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 9:22 am

Name: Apheto

Age" 25

Height: 1.92 mt.

Weight: 98 Kg.

Apperence: Usually wheres old jeans and a shirt; some times he likes to use dark clothes, but for a match he always takes his shirt off revealing a ripped body with rare asian tattos in the right side of his back and some big scars on his back and his left arm(its presumed this was made by a sword). Sometimes he comes out with a beer on his hand others with a cigarrette on his mouth, like is he didnt care about no one or nothing.

He has Black eyes and short black hair with dark red on the tops of the hair, with pale with skin and he uses 3 rings in each hand.

Description: More than a loner, usually he preffers the company of animals than the one of humans; thats why he has a dog he loves like a son, not many people now this but he grew up in the streets, fighting his way uot for some dollars and a warm place to sleep.

He doesnt like to talk about his past, hes lost a lot of friends in the pitt fights, as they where ilegal fights some where to the death. Thats why its hard for him to make friends, but once he makes a friend he will do anything to help him.

Some hate him, others detest him, maybe some may love him but onething is for sure he does loves to fight and everyone likes to see him fight specailly when he says "BRING IT ON" or at least thats what he thinks...
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Posts : 15
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 41

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PostSubject: Re: Who is Apheto?   Who is Apheto? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 9:32 am

The Trainer is an enigmatic character that keeps appearing in Apheto´s life, he has help him before, but its clear that he has an agenda of his own and Apheto is in his plans either for good or bad...one thing is for sure, we still havent see the last of "Trainer"

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Posts : 15
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 41

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PostSubject: Re: Who is Apheto?   Who is Apheto? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 04, 2008 10:02 am

Apheto whos resting in the "Freezing Hell" Bar after a long week of pure training, sits on the bar.

Barman: Its good to see you are back in shape sir.
Apheto: Thanks...it feels good to be back too, but I still need more trainning; give me a cold beer.
Barman: Right away.

The barman gives Apheto a cold one, as he drinks his beer he starts thinking in all that has happen till now and well Apheto is still a little confuse, he was abble to find a great tag team partner, that became a brother to him, Lord Psyke. Trainer is back, but he ant appliying his full "extreme hardcore training", somthin is missin or even worst something its out of place...but thats not all that cross Apheto´s mind, he pulls out from his wallet a picture of someone, someone that meant the world for him and now that he has been throw the whole world he couldnt find her...

As he stares at the photo he makes a little smile and at the same time some tears come down his face...

Apheto: I wont fail you again...just wait, I will find you
Barman: Whos is she, sir?...
Apheto: She...take a good look at her

Apheto hands the photo to the barman, who keeps watching it for a while

Who is Apheto? Miko1010

Barman: Wow, she is beautiful, is she your girlfriend?
Apheto: Haha, no...lets just say that she is the one that took my heart and never give it back to me...she is the reason why I become this kind of wrestler...and she can be a good reason to be a better one too
Barman: I dont understand
Apheto: Dont worry, neither do I..Im gonna take a nap, please make sure no one disturbs me, unless is Lord Psyke or Trainer.
Barman: Yes sir, no problem.

Apheto puts the picture back to hi wallet and grabs another beer before he goes to the back of the bar
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PostSubject: Re: Who is Apheto?   Who is Apheto? Icon_minitime

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